Losing player.Took a break.Starting again.

Monday 2 November 2009

last few months

win...tilt...bust....reload...win.....tilt.....bust.....reload......................AND SO ON.....................................................................................

Just won S&G for $144.Roll at $290. Of to check out 2+2

Monday 15 June 2009


Last night was spent on 'twoplustwo'.
To my own surprise I really enjoyed analysing hands and making an input in the discussions.It took me more than a few minutes to fully understand the hand situation-the various factors that should influuence how a hand is to be played were floating around in my head,in somewhat of a random order.For example I would think through a hand.How should it be played,what the opponents range is... etc,only to realise,10minutes into my analysis,that I haven't factored in the 3bet preflop from UTG.The key(in realtime situo) is to analyse the hand quickly and apportion the right amount of attention to the most important factors to be considered.
Another thing I realised is that my level of poker thinking is suited to $50nlh-$200nlh,with $100 NL being the ideal place to start.Obviously I am not rolled for this,so $25nlh is the place to start.Any lower than 25nl would really frustrate me as I would not get enough mental stimulation from it.


I got some positive feedback on some of my hand analysis.Boy does it make me feel good.Just hope,when the time comes, I can practice what I preach.


Sunday 14 June 2009


So i joined a couple of forums-'twoplustwo'(the best) and 'tworags'.I have browsed these forums before,but never been active.I suppose this is because I never could makes a concise and coherent post -why was this?
Fuzzy thinking is the short answer.I couldn't be bothered to analyse hands,learn and develope a clear thought pattern to make an appreciated or semi-knowledgable post.
Now that i have slowed down i am really thinking about hand reading,bet sizing and planning how to play a pot etc.OK, so it does take a long time to consider all the factors,but i am sure the more i do it the quicker i will become.

I will now spend a couple of hours on 'two plus two'.
I am also looking into joining a poker community-somewhere i can be a part of a similar group of people,all looking to improve and learn

Thursday 11 June 2009


£360.This is my starting roll.
I don't want to stretch out a blog post with bullshite.
Need to invest in a couple of books,and become an active member of some good poker forums.
Need to make a plan and set down some bankroll management rules.

step 2 will be the depositing of money